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NoiseNet technology detects animal provocation

Stuart Clough

In a first for the NoiseNet technology, we have successfully identified our first case of animal provocation while resolving a noise complaint.

Over a 14 day monitoring period, the NoiseNet monitoring system detected very low levels of barking - EXCEPT for two extreme sessions of barking. The first around 1.5 hours and the second around 4.5 hours. And when we say extreme, we mean it, over 20 minutes of barking per hour was recorded during both sessions.

Applying our sound recognition technology, our system identified a unique sound at the beginning of each barking session. It didn't sound like much, but a a series of 5 bangs, like a stick being hit against a fence. An identical sound approximately 20-30 seconds before each of the extreme sessions of barking.

While it is clear that the dogs have the potential to lose control and when that happens, they are creating unacceptably extreme noise. It is also not acceptable to provoke the animals into barking. The presence of provocation invalidates our analysis as a form of evidence and the complainant has blown this chance at having the noise complaint resolved (as well as their reputation in the eyes of the authorised person).

NoiseNet is continuing to enhance our technology so we can learn more from the audio environment - without breaching privacy.

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