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Join our Crowd-Funding

NOISE SOURCE MAPPING:  Best practice in Noise Complaint Resolution

NoiseNet has been listening to our customers and potential users of our services.  You have told us that some of our next stage developments will be exceptionally useful for you in your management of noise complaints.​


Today, NoiseNet cannot advance these projects rapidly as we don't have the resources.  So we have decided to carry out a crowd-funding style project to give our development a boost.

The Project in Brief:  Noise Source Mapping using dual microphone array

Imagine being able to map the exact location of an intrusive noise source.  No more disputes about which dog, which A/C and when/where a noise came from.


NoiseNet is utilising microphone arrays to be able to affordably pinpoint the source of a noise.  Mapping times, noise types and positions so your noise complaint management is both simple and compelling in court.


The project will include the NoiseNet smart noise technology allowing specific noise sources to be targeted (eg barking dogs, roosters, airconditioners etc.).


But in addition to the noise identification and the time, we can indicate the location (to a degree of accuracy).

Dogbark Distribution.PNG

E.g.  Source of dog-barks 12pm-2pm
colour coded by audio bark recognition

Our first proof of concept showing the detection and directional identification of noise source.


Further iterations are building out the integrated technology and maths to reliably identify noise source.


The final product will be housed in weatherproof enclosures suitable for real-world usage.

Project Video

Coming Soon

Barking Dog Brochure

Coming Soon

Project Supporters:  What you Get!

Development Supporter
AU $2000 or more
(unlimited packages)

Supporting the development of Locational Noise Detection.  No device included.  Package includes:


  • Early access to first release of device

  • Priority access to NoiseNet services for 2 years

  • Branding as a supporter in all our publications, PR

  • PR opportunities at local/regional level

Product Supporter

AU $10000 or more
(between 7 and 20 packages)

Provision of Location detection noise device (12 months free hire), support and PR.  Package includes:


  • Provision of noise monitoring unit inclusive of 12 months free hire

  • 12 months of service, support, and free upgrades

  • Branding as a key supporter in all our publications, press releases and presentations

  • Priority access to NoiseNet services for 2 years

  • Opportunity to participate in field testing activities
  • Monthly project reports
Legendary Supporter

AU $20000 or more
(max 1 package)

Provision of two Location detection noise device (12 months free hire), support and PR.  Package includes:


  • Provision of 2x noise monitoring units inclusive of 12 months free hire

  • 12 months of service, support, and free upgrades

  • Branding as a the #1 supporter in all our publications, press releases and presentations

  • Priority access to NoiseNet services for 3 years

  • Preferential access for companies from your region in supply, manufacturing activities.  Preferential assessment of depot or office facilities in your location (subject to business viability)

  • Opportunity to participate in field testing activities
  • Monthly project reports
  • Lets discuss - is there something else you need/want

Crowdfunding Details:

Total Funds

We are seeking $90,000 total funding.  Project will proceed and we Invoice if we receive $70,000 in external backing



This is a Research and Development project and entails materials risks.  NoiseNet is in no position to provide guarantees of outcomes or technical performance.


Dec-Jan   lab scale demo and testing

Feb-Mar   prototype build and field testing

Apr-May  manufacturing, delivery, user interfaces and outputs


Funding can be provided via grant programs or purchasing processes.

Pro-forma agreement under development

Extra Funds

Will be deployed to provide extra devices, improve quality, accelerate the project and further enhance the technology


NoiseNet will provide records of use of funds via our project accounting system to satisfy any reasonable audit requirements.  No profit or owner salary will be drawn from the funds

Technical and Project Details


Intrusive noise creates stress, disrupts peoples productivity, their ability to relax and their sleep.  Noise has also been proven to have significant long term impacts on peoples mental and physical health

NoiseNet provides councils, local government and others with low-cost, automated noise monitoring technology and services.  Our objective is to play a key role in delivering a quieter world, for the benefit of all.


We believe that more frequent and better noise data allows communities and particularly noise regulators to make better decisions.  We currently use IoT devices in the field to gather audio data, then use AI and acoustical analysis processes to extract usable information from that audio.  Examples include:

  • Measurement of frequency and intensity of nuisance dog-barking

  • Measurement of use and noise levels of air-conditioners

  • Measurement of noise emanating from business or recreational facilities to compare with standards (24/7)


Our AI allows us to separate out the noise from the nuisance source from all other noise sources, ensuring the data is relevant.


OUR CUSTOMERS have been telling us that they want to be able to determine noise sources more specifically.  E.g. from which yard the dog barking is occurring, which of the A/C's is being used at night, which construction site is starting work too early.


To resolve these challenges we are building a directional microphone array system.  These are not new - we are borrowing from established technology, but we are building them on a much cheaper basis and by incorporating this data with our AI and Acoustical analysis we believe we will deliver a unique service/product that noise regulators can use on a daily basis to improve their efficiency, to make better decisions and to ensure that they HAVE THE BEST AMMUNITION TO WIN IN COURT.



Phase 1 Lab Proof of Concept (currently underway) is to build a lab-scale proof of concept.  We are using dev-boards to gather the data and are building a few different concepts to check what will work best from a range of criterion (accuracy, speed of results, cost of equipment, data transmission requirements and power consumption.  This will also include the development of the math and code to drive the system.  We anticipate this will be completed within 2 months (by End January).


Phase 2 Prototype Build This involves building a robust, field ready prototype device to carry out further trials in operational environments and to ensure that the build is robust, weatherproof and functional.  In parallel with this activity we will also be building the onboard software for robust field operation as well as the back-end analysis tools and report presentation capability so we can deliver the customer with the results.  We believe this is a 2 month exercise (by end March 2019)


Phase 3 Manufacture, Field Testing This involves the supply, assembly, testing and shipping of the devices.  The build of the devices will be robust but simplistic.  It is not a mass-manufacture device at this stage.  The initial batch of devices (10-22) will be shipped to our supporters towards the end of this phase - initially in QLD so we can get field test results and properly support the initial deployments (and find/fix any bugs or issues), then shipping to customers in Australia (then internationally).


International delivery will take longer, and we will also need to ensure mobile service connectivity in those locations.  So unfortunately you may be last-in-line to receive your devices, but we will still target to have them to you by end May 2019.



NoiseNet has an awesome technical and project management team.  I guess that is boasting, but I really mean it.  The project team is:

  • John South: A physicist with significant experience in the Acoustics sector (work and play) including experience in managing noise complaints as an acoustical consultant.

  • Matt Watson:  A physicist with next-level math, analytical and creative capabilities, he will lead the technical development process.

  • Jake Donovan-Parker:  A final-year engineering student working on his thesis and doing the dirty work

  • Stuart Clough:  A 25 year experience engineer with project management experience in manufacturing, industrial projects and IT and experience delivering projects of over $500M in value (on-time)

  • Wilmer Yan:  Our AI guru - who will not be central to the project but will help tie-in the AI/Analysis tools to the directional sensing ensuring the device delivers the best outcomes for you as a customer.

  • Andrea Pena and Tom Rooth:  Our manufacturing specialist team who will support the prototype development and manufacturing build.


We also consider our customers as members of the team.  We want to consult regularly, share our progress and ask for guidance on how our development will have the maximum impact for you.  So if you have the time to talk with us, you can add your name to our team


Success in this project is central to our business plans - we have no choice but to make a success of this project.  Delivering the right outcome for you is the only way we can move our business to the next level.



As a start-up we are always looking for news coverage and publicity.  We also know that councils and governments always want to publicise their successes at being at the forefront of new technologies to improve their services.  We will constructively work with you to support any PR activities you want to undertake.  We will also make sure to publicise each supporter whenever we are out talking about our services and technical developments.

We don't have a dedicated PR team - but can certainly work with you to get the necessary pieces in place to support any activities you have planned.


Interested?  Express your Interest and we will talk more.

Fill the form above to sign up

Signing here implies no commitment or obligation.  I recognise that you need to go through approval and procurement processes, we will work that out as we go forward.

We handle your details privately and use your contact details only for the purpose of keeping you updated with our progress.

Before you Go:  Some Risks

NoiseNet area already working on this project under our own steam.  The kickstarter is to provide additional resources to accelerate the development, get multiple devices build and out into the field.

There are technical risks (around the mathematical calculations, ability to filter out contaminating and background noise, and the impacts of issues like noise reflections, echo etc.)  


There are financial risks (NoiseNet is a start-up and needs continuing success in the market to progress.  The kickstarter budget has sufficient funding to cover completion of the project, but external business issues may impact on the project).


There are team risks (the early work is being driven by summer interns.  We hope to have most of the dev work done by February before they go back to school.  Leaving the NoiseNet team and our manufacturing team/partners to do the build, deployment etc. Delays in the technical component could compound somewhat, so we need to keep a tight focus on the project throughout).


Geographical risks (we have experience in working with devices in remote environments.  However putting new and experimental equipment in remote locations increases risk.  For this reason we will focus our trial work close to our location - Brisbane- and will only deliver equipment to other locations once we have confidence that they are suitably reliable.  this could create delays and if we do have issues with remote equipment - we may need to provide rotable spare units [you post a unit back to us and we send a replacement]).


Operational Risks (the use of the equipment in the field comes with risks associated with installing the equipment, plus our data-gathering involves recording audio - which has privacy/surveillance implications.  We currently manage these risks in our operational business and this technology does not significantly increase those risks, however we will need to consider the implications of any different applications before deciding to proceed, and we have not allowed for any legal costs if this is the case - we will discuss with you if you have some unique application).


NoiseNet actively manages a risk register and reviews progress on project activity on a weekly basis.  Analysis and action to mitigate risks is a continuous part of how we work.


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