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NoiseNet Interns Accelerate our Technology

Over the 2018-19 summer NoiseNet took on 3 interns (from a event as usual) to work with us on some exciting development projects.

Jake, Andrea and David all made significant progress with their projects:

Jake worked on the NoiseNet Array development, using directional microphone arrays to identify the location of a noise source. A project we wanted to start for the past year he achieved more than we ever expected in just 12 weeks. The technology is nearly ready for field trials, which we plan for later this year.

Andrea shared her previous experience in manufacturing, and used that to enhance our manufacturing procedures and documentation, she was also working on a process for more efficiently building software images for our monitoring devices. Thanks for your tireless effort Andrea.

David commenced work on the next-generation of our noise monitoring devices. With the objective of reducing power consumption by 90%, reducing the size of the device, reducing the cost of the device and retaining all the necessary capabilities, it was an ambitious 12 week project! David dug deep into the microprocessor environment building a proof of concept that has shown itself capable of meeting all those goals.

We with them the best as they return to their respective studies this year, and plan to have them continue working with us on a part-time basis through 2019 to finalise and enhance their respective projects. THANKS GUYS!

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