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NoiseNet Trial Offers

Don't Guess, Test!

We are offering two trial deals that give you the ability to quickly and affordably test our service without paying the set-up charges. So easy you can even pay with credit card.  By trialing our services you get to see how effective they are, plus you get to solve 1 or more of your toughest noise complaints.  What's not to love. 


Close out cases within days with our Introducting NoiseNet Trial. Or for more complex cases where burden of proof is required focus on a single case with our Complex Case Trial. 


And, if you don't believe that our service adds value on the first job, tell us and we will refund 100% of the trial charges.

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Introducing NoiseNet Trial
(3 months unlimited)


Our Multiple Case Trial: 


NoiseNet Smart Monitor Device provided for monitoring unlimited noise complaints


Lower cost per case


3 month Trial


Daily Dashboards highlighting excess noise instances (in half hour blocks) recorded 24/7

Inclusion of 1 Legal Quality Noise Report


This is a Legal quality report covering animal noise, or mechanical noise complaints (e.g. A/C). It adds value by supplying you with burden of proof for more complex matters that require enforcement


Additional legal reports at extra charge, or for reduction of trial duration by 4 weeks.


Access to training resource for set-up plus phone support

Refund if you feel the service does not provide you peace of mind

$2000 + GST

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Complex Case Trial
(14-28 days)

Our Complex Case Trial:


NoiseNet Smart Monitor Device provided for monitoring a single noise complaint


1 month Trial


Daily Dashboards highlighting excess noise instances (in half hour blocks) recorded 24/7


Inclusion of 1 Legal Quality Noise Report


This is a Legal quality report covering animal noise, or mechanical noise complaints (e.g. A/C). It adds value by supplying you with burden of proof for more complex matters that require enforcement



Access to training resource for set-up plus phone support

Refund if you feel the service does not provide you peace of mind

$600 + GST

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Click here for more details about our

services and how they can work for you.

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